Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gold Coins Still Hold Value

I am into stock trading and make a decent profit on my investments. But, I am also starting to get a little wary of the perils of stock trading. So, I decided to diversify my investments. I came across a company that trades in precious metals like gold. I decided to scrutinize them. Whatever little doubts I had about investing in precious metals withered away after I read a press release issued by Monex, the company alluded to in the preceding lines.

The web release did not wax eloquent about Monex but instead set the record straight on investing in gold coins. It laid stress on diversification of assets into solid and liquid. Gold and stocks epitomize the former and the latter respectively. Which, with all due respects, is fair enough. Even financial experts at Meryl Lynch would suggest the same in a it's-very-obvious way. The web release talked about investing 10-20% in solid assets like gold coins. It also gave the very reason for investing in precious metals. The reason being that the monetary value of precious metal does not depreciate over a long period of time. Whereas, even the value of currency depreciates. The prices of a commodity have not gone up but the value of the U.S dollar has taken a plunge. This the web release illustrates with a very credible example of the amount of silver that could buy four gallons of gas, when that quantity of gas was worth $1 and even today that amount of silver can buy four gallons of gas but the same amount of money can't. So you need to know the true price of gold You can trust Monex for it has been around since 1967 and over a 100,000 satisfied customers have bought over a billion dollar worth of gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion and bullion coins from Monex.