A facetious video of King Bhoomibol of Thailand that had a feminine pink afro and a big green nose painted on the his face incited the authorities to ban Youtube in Thailand. This is nothing from the blue for Thailand as similar measures have been taken sporadically by the authorities to safeguard the respect of there revered King. This includes the ban of the movie Anna and The King , which featured Jodie Foster, ostensibly for inclusion of erroneous historical facts. It is King above all for the Thai people, and above the symbol of Laissez-Faier( if not democracy) in the 21st century, Youtube. Long live the King, one wishes , and for long shall he be adored and revered in equal measure, even it is at the expense of a few redundant websites. With all due respects to their traditional heritage, there indignation is vindicated but why ban Youtube which is a mere expedient of expression. Below are the videos in question.
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