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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Pingo Never Hangs Up
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EA Uefa Champion LEAGUE 2006/07 A Let Down
Mint Credit Cards With Throwaway Introductory Offers
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Don Imus For President Of Obnoxious America

Many Americans have sat up and taken notice of Don's locker-room humor gone too far, that saw him loose his job. Don might have been contrite after the entire fiasco but America has taken offense. Many people have said that everything that has happened is just a reflection of the American society by and large.
Though the Rutgers team coach has gone on record to say that the apology has been accepted but there is still no love lost. The radio commentator whose career started when he was a hedonistic drug addict, finally saw him mellow down. Mellow down he did but to what gain. It seemed Don was always been game for a racial slur or sexual obscenities that he got away with his trademark veneer of childish naiveness . Though the sheen has been taken off the veneer finally.
But one wonders whether Don was just felled by circumstances. At least he is not the only one capable of such abysmal contempt. I believe people around the world keep on hurling racial slurs and obscenities at each other with the utmost ease. So, if some body does that on air does that make it a cardinal sin. He was just being himself. He needs to be given another chance for all the charity work he has done can not be obscured.
A post you can read :Saying what you see, hear, and feel... click here
Link to Chris61182
Stay Abreast With the Latest In VoIp News
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Resident Evil 4 For Wii Is A Hit With Critics All ready
Famitsu offered their first reviews on the Resident Evil 4 for the Wii in its latest issue, which just hit the magazine shelves today in Japan.
Of the 4 review scores given, two editors gave the game a 10/10. The other two were still lovin’ the Wii version enough to give it a 9/10.
The reviewers said that even though the content is almost the same as the GameCube title, the Wii-mote controls are to the games advantage, making the game feel like something fresh and different. One reviewer said that the game offers the feeling of being closer to the action as well as upping the tension.
Multiple reviewers agreed on two points, that the new controls are simple and easy to get into, and that even those who played the original will be able to enjoy themselves.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rebtel Has Cut International Calls Down To Size
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Does IndyChai.com Have The Right Blend ?
The stories are all listed quite immaculately on a single web page. There are news stories from some of the biggest sources in India. The list includes the likes of NDTV, Times of India and DNA etc. The news is segregated into six broad categories like news, sports, entertainment, tech, good life and entrepreneur. Within these categories a further sub-division is made. For instance under the news category there are the sub news categories like general, business and indyblogs. Though the divison seems to evade logic.
But the ether of the website is the news, which is in sync with the latest happenings. The one feature that is worth a toast of tea is the fact that on moving the cursor on the story link there pops up a laconic description of the news story. This allows the user to decide if he is actually interested in reading the article or not. On the whole it is a nice site aimed at simplifying the entire process of information and content scouting on the web.
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Youtube's Indian Sibling
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Does The Sri Lankan Terror Group LTTE Possess Stealth Planes ?
How Does A Virtual Credit Card Weigh Over A Normal One
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Digital Frames To Make Harry Potter's Jaw Drop

Normal frames are still in the business but digital frames are fast emerging as sleek and advanced alternative. They provide a better way to preserve your cherished memories captured through photographs. They also provide quite a few ways to flaunt your photographs. I realized this after visiting a website, Digital Framez, which deals in digital frames as the name conspicuously suggests.
If you have watched any of the Harry Potter movies then you would be able to recall the boy wizard poignantly looking at magical picture frames that played videos of his parents. With the available technology and the will to innovate such frames can aggrandize your living room as well. You can not only store pictures but videos on a memory card and view them on a digital picture frame. The digital frames support different media formats, almost all that you know of. So, you will not have to ever worry about any major file format conversions.
The frames are available in different screen sizes and come with remote controls. The picture quality is extraordinary as they use LCD screens. Also your videos will play in their full glory along with the sound. The frames will do all that there spellbound counterparts in the Harry Potter movies can do, maybe more. Click the links to pay a visit to this great website dealing in these most bewitching digital frames.
Early Christmas: Great Deals on Cellphones At WireFly
If you are already jumping out of your seats then let me remind you that the website features cell phones from all carriers. The virtual who's-who list includes the likes of Sprint cell phones and T-Mobile. You can browse the exhaustive list of cell phones by carrier or hunt for individual phones. I f you find any great discount offer on any cellphone, which you invariably and inevitably will, then don't forget to check the finer details of the offering. I hope this review was of any help for you.
Disclosure: This Is A Sponsored Review
Monday, May 28, 2007
How Would You Like A BMW 3 Series ?
There actually is a unique way of getting your suave and shining new BMW. Only if you could go to the same website and place a bid that would be both the lowest and the most unique. To further clear the confusion, imagine that you bid 50 cents for that swashbuckling BMW and somebody happened to bid the same price, you would not win the bid. As it would be the lowest but not the lowest unique bid. On the other hand if you bid 51 cents and no one bid that same price and there was not a single bid both lower than yours and unique at the same time you would be driving your dreams home.
It is only at bid4prizes where you could take part in a reverse unique bid and win the most luring Free gifts. There are disparate Sweepstake to be won every day, ranging from that plasma Tv you always craved for, to a cool-you-heels-in-the-sand vacation to the Bahamas. There are Cash prize as well that you could put up with for the time being, I know it will be hard for you. I am on the lookout for the Apple iphone.
The Usefulness of Virtual Credit Cards and Related Frauds
Someone suggested I go for a Virtual Credit Card that acts as a credit card but is only valid for online purposes. After much meandering in search of a VCC provider in India, I struck gold. I was enlightened with the fact that only one bank, the HDFC bank, provided a VCC service. There VCC is called the Netsafe Card. It is a much secure tahn your average hardcredit card. This is because it remains valid for a time of no more than 48 hours. So, even if your card details, the vital ones, are stolen you won't be at a huge loss. this is because the culprit might not be aware of the cap of 48 hours. Besides you can also set the limit. You can use your credit card or a debit card to create the Netsafe card, but only Visa cards issued by the bank are of any use. Though be cautioned that there are some fraudulent sellers of Vcc online. Who will solicit you by claiming to issue VCC's without even asking you for any financial details except for your card details. They claim to issue VCC's online to all and sundry regardless of their nationalities.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the PPP advertisers.
Have You Been Mulling Refinancing ?
To begin with you should be aware with the basics of refinancing. May be even go through it's definition and try and dissect it. Refinancing for the dummies, is the process of applying for a secure loan for the effective replacement of an old loan secured by the same assets. It is normally opted for, to pay off old debt or for the purpose of lowering the interest rate. It is mostly rife in the home loan sector. But there are certain perils of mortgage refinance that arise from the ignorance of previous loan agreements and their clauses. Please be duly aware of such clauses like the penalties triggered by the early payment of the loans. It might sound funny but it isn't.
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Villas In The Mecca Of Theme Parks
Florida For The Bon Vivant Traveller
The Need For Student Loan Consolidation
1. They have a positive impact on your credit statement by reducing the number of open accounts.
2. It is hassle free as you have to deal with one creditor.
3.Again there is only one payment to be made.
4. All your federal loans come under the proverbial one roof.
Now you can make your mind on student loan consolidation.
Friday, May 25, 2007
There Is More To Florida Than Theme Parks
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Has Bush Aped His Predecessors In Fueling Terrorism
Read This Story at CBS: Bush created 'safe haven' for terrorism with Iraq invasion
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Revolution That Beckons: Payperpost Direct
How To Get Started As A blogger:
It is plain and simple. You have to be registered with Payperpost and be in possession of an approved blog. From here on it is a cakewalk. Just go to the My blogs section. There you can download the PPP Direct badge and install in into your blog. When an advertiser discovers your blog and is interested in giving you an opportunity, he can just click on the badge and make you an offer. Both of you can parley on the offer. If you find yourself on the same page as the advertiser and his offer is relevant in content and luring in price you can complete the opportunity.
The best part is that for the first time the blogger will get to keep the most of the money. You will decide the right way to milk your blogging. In fact only 10% would proceed to PPP. This is at galactic distance from the competitors which keep anywhere between 50% to 100% of the money. Despite the fact that they are only acting as middlemen.
This reinforces the notion that PPP just does not believe in cutting corners for financial gains but in being cutting edge.
Away From The Menace of Addiction
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Vacation.net Raises The Bar
The website incorporates a more interactive experience after it's face and soul lift. It will feature stunning visuals of equally mesmerizing resorts from around the globe. The new customized booking engine is aimed at letting the client to pick and choose among the most enticing destinations with pictures, price quotes and discounts all being streamed at a breakneck speed. You can also take visual and virtual tours of your intended destination before giving the go-ahead for any of them. The packages featured are all-inclusive without any extra or hidden costs. There are deals on great destinations and resorts in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Mexico etc.
Know The Face Scrub Of The Year
Press Release:
Deidra Garcia
Corporate Communications
MenScience Androceuticals
T: (305) 361-0994 Ext. 8003
F: (305)832-7707
dgarcia@menscience.com, www.MenScience.com
MIAMI, FLORIDA – April 24, 2007 – From hundreds of men’s skincare and grooming products, Men’s Health Magazine has chosen the MenScience Microfine Face Scrub as Best Face Scrub of the Year in the 2007 Grooming Awards.
Each year, Men’s Health Magazine gathers a panel of skincare and grooming experts from across the country to judge a wide array of men’s products. Through precise testing and evaluation, the panel decides on the best and most effective men’s products for every aspect of a grooming/skincare routine: from shaving to hair care to face/body care. The Microfine Face Scrub was singled out for honors due to it’s unique blend of exfoliating ingredients such as salicylic and glycolic acids, as well as the presence of physical exfoliators such as microfine buffing particles.
MenScience president Federico Sanchez commented on the win: “We’re all very happy about winning this award. Because we use professional-grade ingredients in our formulas, men can immediately see results when using our line. It’s great to see that a magazine like Men’s Health also recognizes how effective our products really are.”
The Microfine Face Scrub will be featured in the May issue, as well as online at www.Menshealth.com. Men’s Health Magazine is the largest circulated men’s lifestyle magazine in the world, and has acted as a trusted source for men’s health, fitness and grooming since 1987. This award marks the second time MenScience has been honored by the magazine: the Buff Body Gloves were also spotlighted in the 2005 Men’s Health Grooming Awards.
MenScience Androceuticals offers professional-grade grooming, skincare and nutritional products based on cosmeceutically-active ingredients that deliver maximum efficacy and visible results. It is their goal to revolutionize skin care and nutritional support for men with unique and innovative products offering the highest level of performance and quality.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the payperpost advertisers.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Smorty A Smart Way To Monetize Your Blog
In this order there is a new entrant, Smorty. It has come with it's haversack full of novelties. The registration process is like any other but swift. After you register and submit your blog for approval you will have to wait for up to three days for the needful. But in my case it took only about a few minutes for my blog to be approved. On logging in to the website you will soon realize that there are opportunities galore. You can take one task at a time and you have up to 72 hrs to submit the task. Smorty stands out with it's innovative points system, which is a first and welcome addition. It is a system to rate your blog. Other services only use redundant page rank statistics for the same. This points system helps advertisers distribute tasks in their campaigns to you.Thus more points you will accumulate the better opportunities you will get.
You can also become a publisher and create campaigns. This will help your product or website find users or visitors respectively. The system is extremely user friendly. But more than anything it does an amazing job at monetizing blogs and popularizing the products and services of the publishers.
Finding Hotels In Orlando Can Be Tricky
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Puritanical Loans
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We Have Seen The Last Of Star Wars
It's official. There will never, ever be another official Star Wars production on the big screen. Rumors abounded at the beginning of the month that George Lucas was working on two additional Star Wars productions. Steven Sansweet, the head of "Fan Relations" (Indicating that they actually have a "Fan Relations" division. Hmmm) for LucasFilms has addressed the rumors head on. Stansweet confirmed that 2 miniseries were in the works, but that they were destined for TV only. He went on to say that the Star Wars movie franchise has been officially put to bed. It's high time, if you ask me. Not to take a single, tiny thread of respect or admiration away from the importance and brilliance of Star Wars, but there's only so long that you can ride a wave. Lucas and Co. pushed it as far as it could go, and then some, but I for one will finally be able to sleep soundly at night, knowing that I have seen the last Skywalker traverse a moviescreen. Television, on the other hand, is another story…
A Free Classifieds Website And More
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CIS Motor Insurance The Hassle Free Insurance
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Credit Cards Have Made The Us The Biggest Debtor In the World
The debt on the U.S is more than even India's entire G.D.P , which is around the $800 billion mark. People might think that it is an innocuous fact and is just a bug fear, that is perfect for those record books. But debt is what debt does. And it does not do any good. If this debt, which is increasing at a canter, is not controlled then it will be accompanied with dire consequences.Tis will be because there might be a time when this debt will grow out of bounds and become external debt. The end result will be an indebted economy with economic down turn or depression as it's accomplice.
Disclosure Policy: I hereby, as the sole promoter of this blog, apprise the reader that this is a post compensated for by the PayPerPost advertisers.
A Paternal Celebration
through small gifts.
Each one of us has grown up with our father going out of his way to make sure we stayed on track. A father has exulted when we spoke for the first time or walked that very first time , helped us play those ball games. guided us through work and has felt exalted when we have become the very embodiment of his dreams.
Paternal love is different from maternal love so why shouldn't the Father's day gifts stand out. One seemingly peculiar but an exclusive Fathers Day Gifts for your father would be the best of gourmet gifts. Gourmet gifts have designed their Father's gift basket. It features the most scrumptious food delights from the best in cheese to the best of wines. You can either opt for one of their Father's day gifts or a customized basket to suit your aesthetic tastes. There are choices here too, with the Grilling Gift Baskets for an impeccable Br-BQ or the Golf gifts baskets. You can buy all this online. This father's day you can express your indebtedness through these little out-the-box gifts.
Ipod As Your Dvd Player
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Are You Planning To Go Under The Knife To Be Lighter?
Journey Lite has made a mark in Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. Also known as LAGB or the LAP-BAND® System procedure. This procedure can be better understood and appreciated by knowing it better:
This surgical procedure has the bragging rights of being the least invasive surgical procedure and on development of any unexpected complications it can be easily reversed. As the surgical procedure doesn't require any incisions and can be performed in an outpatient setting, it is preferable over normal normal procedures. The bariatric surgery performed by the highly skilled surgeons at Journey Lite also has short recovery time.
In this procedure, your Journey Lite surgeon inserts an inflatable adjustable gastric band through small (laparoscopic) incisions and positions the band around the upper portion of your stomach. This creates a small stomach pouch and passageway into the lower part of the stomach. This procedure will allow you to feel full and satisfied while you actually eat less and lose excess weight.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Enter The Dragon That Breathes Fiery Knowledge
Now, something about the website that will jettison you of your seats, that the website is free to use. Yes barring the earwax-in-your-ears scenario, you probably heard it right. This is it's forte and sets it apart from the herd. It is free for anyone to submit content and for anyone to use that content.
The first things first-registration is simple, easy and a on-step process. After you are through you are free to make full use of the website. Though it is of note that one does not even needs to register to submit content but can do that as a guest.
There are quite a few categories in which one can submit content. There seemed to be no paucity of content in this Article Directory . From a reader or a publishers perspective the content can be browsed by a myriad of categories. Once you decide to read the article you will
get useful information about it-as to how old it is, how long it is and the number of views it has been bestowed upon. If your appreciation of the piece is such that you would want to save it for later viewing or feel others should glance over it, then you can use social bookmarking services. The option is available to the right of the page. To that same right of the page you have the two options-get this article for the web and get this article for newsletters. The difference in the two being that of formatting. One can also comment on any article here.
Verdict:The site is of some utility but it's forte is that it is completely free. Besides that it is difficult to think of any stand-out feature of the Article Dragon website. On the whole a low-frills-and -all-business website.
Review Rating: 6.5/10
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the Reviewme advertisers but the opinion is not in any other way biased.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I decided to switch allegiances. For a change I brought an HP IPAQ 6815 phone. It came with windows media 5, WiFi, office utilities, internet explorer, outlook, Windows Media Player 10, amongst others. All custom features like bluetooth that are these days ubiquitous in such phones are available in the 6815. It was almost surreal as it was the fulfillment of my dream of using a phone that was the most impeccable blend of work and play without any hang ups. Many people believe that Pda phones and Pda's won't hang up if they have got fast processing speeds. But having used many O2 Pda phones that were exasperatingly slow but ironically boasted of faster processing speeds than the 6815, I could not have agreed any less. The 6815 does pack a punch with its processor that clocks 416 Mhz but it is far from being the most cogent punch. Though it never seems to have any speed issues. the inbuilt speakers offer decent sound quality but it goes up by leaps and bounds on an earphone. It also comes with a 2 mega pixel camera. Click the above link for a great deal on the 6815 at a great online store for PDA's and SAT NAV equipment. You can also buy devices like the tomtom go 910.
A New Look American Greetings Website Throws Everything On The House
But it's forte undoubtedly are cards under the characters-you-love category. In which you can choose cards that bear your favorite personalities whether real or contrived like Elvis, Looney Tunes, Disney, Nickelodeon (SpongeBob SquarePants, Jimmy Neutron), The Muppets, Harley Davidson, Strawberry Shortcake, Holly Hobbie, Care Bears, Twisted Whiskers, Chicken Soup for the Soul and more. These personalities and characters are officially licensed for such use.
Disclosure Policy: I hereby, as the sole promoter of this blog, apprise the reader that this is a post compensated for by the PayPerPost advertisers.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Disney Tickets At The Lowest Prices
From The Director Of The Exorcist Comes Bug
Here is the trailer of the bug movie.
This poster is one of the two that have been released. A seasoned movie critic would drive home to conclusions based on the promotional posters themselves. I am not seasoned and certainly not a movie critic but a discerning movie buff, thus I can try all the same.
At first glance the poster is reminiscent of the cover of a hit Gnarles Barkley album. Especially the bug but the similarities end then and there. The silhouette of the bug that has a pensive looking Ashley Judd with a morbid countenance enclosed in it, is certainly intriguing for horror movie buffs. Also it makes no bones about the fact that it is a bug movie.
With the second poster I would try and prognosticate, all right it is an innuendo for wild guess work. The face of a male actor that is quiet visible gives the feeling he might be the human antagonist, if there is any. This is due to the fact that a dark shadow is cast on half of his face which is symbolic of surreptitious evil. This bug movie sure is one to watch out for.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a PayPerPost advertiser.
Marine Electronics For Times When You Are At The Deep End
There is equipment that could come to your aide during a camping or an hiking excursion as well. Check out there extensive range of Furuno fishfinders, gps and other necessary equipment. At Northeastmarine.com you would find equipment to enhance your fishing productivity and experience regardless of whether it is your occupation or an attempt at enjoyment.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Bookkeeping Services For Peanuts
There is a fix for your bookkeeping predicament. That too at an earthly price with bookkeeping services starting at $50- "Only" would be an apt word to follow that trivial amount. They have been in this business for long enough to know there work all to well. Also coming back to the prize, it seems at $50 their services seem like social service and it might not be appropriate to call it a business. Click this link for quickbooks help.
Professionals well versed in the bookkeeping field will only handle your accounts. Also, if at any stage you want to most politely show them the way out because of lack of gratification, then you are free to do so. You will get your refund as per the terms of service. There is no long term contract. If you want your own employees to handle the accounts then they would even provide training to your employees. Here is the link to their website .
Disclosure Policy: I hereby, as the sole promoter of this blog, apprise the reader that this is a post compensated for by the PayPerPost advertisers.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Grandfather Clocks Back In Action
Another Store At Couponchief
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Insurance Revisited
A Sweepstakes Game Show: whogets.com
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Will xbox 360 hold sway , or will the wii slay, or will the playstation 3 be triumphant to elicit a feeling of deja vu ; are some of the questions that remain critically unanswered to the next generation console wars. But some experts are touting it to be a two sided conflict rather then the ostensible three sided war. The reasoning is rather logical. As xbox 360 has a head start and a huge library of next gen games with the list of exclusive titles piling on and getting plum by the hour ( virtua fighter has just succumbed to the temptation of being on the 360 and is no longer a ps3 exclusive). To rub vinegar on the wounds of sony, the en masse transition of previously playstation-exlusive titles like Smack down VS raw to xbox 360-also titles has exacerbated the woe's for sony.
On the other hand , there is not much in terms of an enviable list of exclusive titles to the wii but wii is about an exclusive as well as an exquisite gaming experience , mainly due to it's revolutionary and paradigm bending controllers.
If xbox 360 can ride the wave it has been wallowing upon hitherto due to a headstart, solid titles and xbox live service and wii complement it by living up to the promises that are now nothing short off a gamers dream ; then maybe the wii 360 might be a reality and go on to write history by pummelling playstation 3 en route to the history books. Besides wii 360 seems palpable , for a wii 360 (one unit of xbox 360 and and one unit of wii each) is available nearly at the price of a single playstation 3. Now that's what I call double the fun but some people might prefer triple the fun.
I Think Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
You can purchase silver through MDC( Monex Deposit Company). You have the choice of immediate purchase and delivery of silver and other precious metals or let MDC arrange for a safe bank or independent deposit. It is your convenience that is paramount at Monex and has been that way through the last 30 years. Monex has been quite literally the knight in "shining" armor for investors galore. You can get silver in form of either coin or ingot form, again as per your convenience.
Auctions Upside Down And Unique
The product had a list price of $2500 but ironically enough it had a bid range of 350-371 cents. Though lack of luck meant that I was left smarting once again. But this website quite a few great things on offer.
Disclosure Policy: I hereby, as the sole promoter of this blog, apprise the reader that this is a post compensated for by the PayPerPost advertisers.
Golf Enthusiasts Have You PINGed The Rapture Series Yet
Software For Your Reporting Needs
Thursday, May 10, 2007
CRM Packages
It also saves you the spending on extra training of your employees for managing such applications. One good package is the AIMpromote software. It integrates the best features of CRM and integrated them into a cogent application that packs a punch. It gleefully can handle various customer relationship management processes like sales management and sales force automation without your sales team flexing an unnecessarily expensive-to-you muscle. What's more you can take a 14 day free trial of the software. Thus I conclude with the done to death promotional phrase "Hurry Now".
Disclosure Policy: I hereby, as the sole promoter of this blog, apprise the reader that this is a post compensated for by the PayPerPost advertisers.