Recently I just happened to accidentally tread into a website that is based upon the lowest unique bid model. One has to place a bid on anything that is up for bidding and make sure the bid is the lowest possible but it also has to be unique. I do not seem to have been endowed with too much of luck. But the rub of the green that goes one's way on a given day can wash off any tantalizing lack of fortune or heart wrecking betrayal of destiny of yore. I glanced over a 42 inch plasma TV with Bose home theater system. It had been on my wish list for a while as I needed a HDTV for my newest acquisition the Xbox 360. Without wasting any time I placed what I thought was the
lowest bid for the
Panasonic 42" TV & Bose DVD Theater System.The product had a list price of $2500 but ironically enough it had a bid range of 350-371 cents. Though lack of luck meant that I was left smarting once again. But this website quite a few great things on offer.
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