It seems to be quite lonely at the top and probably that is why there are quite a few lusty sex starved heads of government. I hope you still remember a certain Bill Clinton. Anyways his escapades were prosaic when compared to PM Shaukat Aziz of Pakistan. Aziz has been revealed in Condoleezza Rice's biography, Twice As Good: Condoleezza Rice And Her Path to Power, to possess a seductive guile that failed miserably on spell-proof Condi. It is also claimed in the book that PM Shaukat Aziz did make conspicuous overtures with flirtatious undertones. The book's sale might have gone through the roof had Shaukat Aziz been blessed with a little more luck in winning over Condleezza Rice.
I doubt that the books sale will be boosted considerably by the revelation about Aziz, who has come under flak in Pakistan, as he is hardly known to the world. But with the scandalous revelations in the backdrop the book can look to draw quite a few readers in the Islamic country where a puppet government has been served in the name of democracy. But had I been blessed with the Casanovaesques abilities Aziz is reported to have in the book, I would have opted for Segolene Royal of France, a former Presidential candidate.
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