Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Drug Rehab is More than Detox

If you perceive drug rehab to be just an extensive detoxification, then you might have a paradigm shift. As drug rehab also has more to do with the overall conditioning and after rehab many addicts have "paradigm shifts". However, you can tell anybody that wahtever they have done till now was wrong. You might tell them that but convincing them would be the hard part. Moreover, you wouldn't want them to hate themselves, would you? Good addiction treatment is not only therapeutic but a tedious self-realization brought about with external help. This external help can seldom be confined to moving, pep-talks but it also requires an environment that is conducive for such change. Click here for drug rehab

1 comment:

katiesmily said...

This external help can seldom be confined to moving, pep-talks but it also requires an environment that is conducive for such change.
Drug Rehabs