Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Genetic Pheremones: The Future is "Attractive"

A certain ilk of people tend to be very attractive. There have been umpteen studies conducted to find the perfect figure, facial shape and even ideally attractive sweat-odor. The science of attraction is labyrinthine and interesting, though we are seldom conscious that the principles of attraction impact our every move just like the law of physics. There are many variables of attraction that alter the laws of attraction - what might be attractive in one culture might just be repugnant in the other. What if we unravel the gospel of attraction, will we then be able to manipulate them to our own good? Will the romantic anxiety before approaching someone become passe? Will there be different creams to attract people of disparate cultures? Throw in genetics and we might not be far away from genetic-pheremones that would only attract a prespecified individual. Anyways the future is far-off and, in the meantime, you can check these "attractive platform shoes."

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